Thursday, April 3, 2008

EnglandGSE begins

April 4, 2008

Three weeks ago, I was chosen as Group Study Exchange leader from Rotary District 7770 in South Carolina, to Peterborough, England. We will spend 4 weeks from Sept. 13 til Oct. 11, sharing our culture, vocations and fellowship with the bloaks across the Big Pond. It will be my first trip across the Atlantic.

What initially sounded like an invitation to an all-expense paid vacation, has more realistically evolved into an intense (12+ hour/day) opportunity to experience another English speaking culture, and share our American lives with other committed Rotarians.

Penny Summers, Garry Powers, and Elizabeth Smith head the committee which will provide the leadership and direction in choosing our team. Roy Prescott is the alternate team leader. We are actively recruiting 4 candidates to join the team. More information on GSE requirements can be found at ROTARY.ORG, then insert GSE in the search box at the top right. The application can be downloaded and completed. Team members must be between the ages of 25 & 40. They must have no affiliation with Rotary, and must be able to leave their homes, occupations and families for 4 weeks. Transportation is paid by R.I. Lodging and meals are provided by the host clubs' members. Time is short for completing the applications.

It is my intention to maintain this blog site (along with future team members), with narratives and photos from our adventure, for so many Rotarians and family members, who will follow our travels.

Dr. Bill Greene

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