Monday, September 29, 2008
Some tributes
Norry Bell, perhaps the most colorful character we've encountered on our travels, was Eric's host in Sleaford. He showed up one night looking like this:
And the Scotsman showed up another time looking like this:
And now, a tribute to the American donut. Poor Eric, our resident police officer, had been feeling the hunger pangs of a donut craving. Fortunately Colette's host Nick was able to help him out.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Stamford St. Martins
- Our British friends have been sadly misinformed that the American Bloaks are malnourished. Every time we turn around there is another banquet or trip to the Pub. Southern hospitality could take a lesson from our friends across the Pond. A daily run has become an absolute necessity, to assure that the pants (oops, they call them trousers; pants are underwear) that we brought with us will fit at the end of the trip.
Now, we are off to a banquet hosted by Stamford St. Martins. Life is tuff.
Free Day !!!
Tower bridge and a WWII ship
I then took a walk over to the National Police Memorial, this memorial is fortunately much, much smaller then the one in DC, being they have fewer officers killed. Underneath the stone shown below is a book behind glass that is open to the page that shows the names of the officers killed in the last few years.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
A note from Colette
At rutland water preserve learning how livestock are used to manage grasslands.
I've also been able to enjoy some English style horseback riding while I've been here. Thanks so much to Anita (and Mary) and Stephen for making it happen!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
And now some pics from Sleaford
We visited Lincoln Cathedral, famous for its imp carved in stone among the Angel Choir. No one knows quite for sure why the imp is there. Regardless, there he is. Some of the others got some better shots of the imp. I wasn't using my good camera that day.
There's the imp on a table. He's become quite the mascot of the cathedral and the town.
Lincoln Cathedral was built at the end of the 11th century. It's a stunningly beautiful building. Some of The DaVinci Code was filmed there!
The original Norman Baptismal Font.
And now we transition to our day on the farm...
I think Colette dubbed herself the Straw Queen of Sleaford if I'm not mistaken.
Mary with corn.
Mary with baby cows.
Sleaford Rotarian Michael Brearley showed us around his farm Roxholme Estate. We tasted raw corn and sugar beat!
Airplanes and war history...
Sleaford Club President Stephen Bath, some of our team and others from the Sleaford club listening to our guide.
Outside of Petwood Hotel, where we ate at Dambusters Bar, named for the WWII British Dam Buster planes that bombed Germany.
Tattershall Castle, built in 1432 by Ralph Cromwell (no relation to Oliver), who was Lord Treasurer of England. I think I'd like to have a castle. Nothing says you're somebody like a moat.
Some more pictures from our time in the Deepings
I know this has absolutely anything to do with anything, but I fell in love with little Daisy while I was staying with Joe and Barbara.
I figured I had to include a shot of the whole gang enjoying time with our hosts at a local pub, The Goat.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hello from historic Stamford!
Joe tries his hand at croquet during our UK/US matchup.
Turns out Colette was holding out on us and has some mad croquet skills.
Good form, Eric, good form.
Meanwhile Daisy and I relaxed while I brainstormed my next move.
The Burghley House -- built by William Cecil in the 1500s for Queen Elizabeth I.