Monday, September 15, 2008

Some photos from our first day

I was trying to be artsy from my seat on the airplane.

A view from out the window during our drive from Gatwick Airport in London to Peterborough.

Costa Coffee shop in a travel plaza/rest stop we stopped at soon after leaving Gatwick Airport. Thank goodness for getting away from Starbucks!

Joe, Colette and Eric deep in discussion as we took turns withdrawing pounds from an ATM before we hit up the Costa Coffee shop.

The Ramblewood Inn, a beautiful building at which we met our host families for the first time.

My host Mary-Helen Shakespeare, Colette's host Janet Cooke and our Peterborough organizer Marie Plumb gave us a walk-through of the grounds of the Ramblewood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. I'm totally jealous just from the picture of the Inn!! I am sure you all are having a marvelous time. Keep up the blogging!