Thursday, October 2, 2008

New color scheme for Myrtle Beach Police Cars

On Wednesday October 1st I spent the day with Northampton Police. I was able to do a ride along, saw the police dogs training, saw the firearms training area (have lots of new ideas) and the police training center. While I was walking around HQ I came up with the thought of, hey why don't our cars in Myrtle Beach look like this? Let me know what you think...

Northampton Police didn't think it was a good idea that I take a bite from one of thier dogs, escpecially after they told me that the Shepard isn't a fan of letting go of the sleeve. But here are a few pics of the dogs at work. (I have some video which I will share when I get home)
This is Sam, one of the female dog handlers and her German Shepard. The dog is playing with his ball just after knocking the other handler to the ground after taking a bite on the sleeve.
See you soon....

1 comment:

Sean said...

The new paint scheme works great for me. Sure will see us coming!